

The Manon is a great small conference room but extremely comfortable and sturdy

MANON - a very comfortable conference chair, characterized by strength, stability and simplicity.

The seat and backrest are made of cold foam, which gives an excellent back support and ensures long-lasting use without the possibility of deforming the foam.

It is suitable for offices and conference rooms where every inch is important because it does not take up much space.

We can upholster it in fabrics or artificial leather, color of choice.

Additional options:
* hand rests with black arm rests
* folding writing pad, black
* Black or light gray metallic finish
* upholstery in multiple types and colors of fabrics or synthetic leather

European product
3 year warranty
Minimum order quantity is 6 pieces


The Manon is a great small conference room but extremely comfortable and sturdy

MANON - a very comfortable conference chair, characterized by strength, stability and simplicity.

The seat and backrest are made of cold foam, which gives an excellent back support and ensures long-lasting use without the possibility of deforming the foam.

It is suitable for offices and conference rooms where every inch is important because it does not take up much space.

We can upholster it in fabrics or artificial leather, color of choice.

Additional options:
* hand rests with black arm rests
* folding writing pad, black
* Black or light gray metallic finish
* upholstery in multiple types and colors of fabrics or synthetic leather

European product
3 year warranty
Minimum order quantity is 6 pieces